Skimming Thought
“As the media theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out in the 1960s, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”
—Nicholas Carr, media critic, “Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains,” The Atlantic, 2008
• Editorial Comment: Wait, what was I saying?• Yesterday’s WORD: Did you miss yesterday’s WORDs from comic-philosopher Jerry Seinfeld on people who read tabloids? Click here.
News from USU’s award-winning student news site, The Hard News Café
• Rock-climbing rock-stars bring ‘Project American Fork’ film to USU, by Clayton Leuba
• Weekly News Roundup (4/1/2013)
• Friends join forces to keep Lou Gehrig’s disease victim at home, by Jessica Sonderegger
• Aggie hockey takes 3rd in nationals as boosters hang up skates, by Jessica Sonderegger
• NCAA rules put Aggie athletes on the bench for Angie’s cancer fundraiser, by Seth Merrill
• Aggie TV News (3/28)—Logan is safest metro area in the U.S., but what about USU? New Rec complex to break ground in Fall. Oil spill harms beavers. And women priests, anchored by Eric Jungblut & Jenna Lynn; produced by Loren Brewer
• After hours of cold, boredom, sleeplessness—free hot & spicy wings! by Dani Hayes
• USU groups launch campaign to end thoughtless use of the ‘R-word,’ by Mary Taggart
PeezPIX by Ted Pease
Original PeezPix archival prints, matted at sizes from 5x7" to 16x20" or larger, available for sale: $14 (5x7), $28 (8x12) and up. email Thanks for asking.
(Be)Friend Dr. Ted, Professor of Interesting Stuff
JCOM @ Utah State University—The best little professionally oriented journalism program in Utah.
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