“Newspapering deals with small daily bites from a fruit of indeterminate size. It may take dozens of bites before you are sure it’s an apple. Dozens and dozens more bites before you have any real idea how big the apple might be. It was that way about Watergate.”
—Ben Bradlee (1921-2014), executive editor, The Washington Post,
from his obit, “Ben Bradlee, legendary Washington Post editor, dies at 93,” The
Washington Post, Oct. 21, 2014. (Thanks to alert WORDster Barbara Zimmerman)
Image: Bradlee examines the page 1 plate for the Aug. 10, 1974, edition. The headline: “Nixon Resigns.” David R. Legge/The Washington Post
• Editorial Comment: Some bites are hard going down.
Frozen Cutler Marsh, Utah
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Ted Pease, Professor of Interesting Stuff, Trinidad, California. (Be)Friend The WORD
don’t think writers are sacred, but words are. They deserve respect. If
you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a
little.” —Tom Stoppard
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