Thursday, December 10, 2009

Memo to NBC News

Brian Williams: Call Jon Stewart

“Jon Stewart has created a system of check and balances. On occasion, when we’ve been on the cusp of doing something completely inane on NBC Nightly News, I will gently suggest to my colleagues that we simply courier the tape over to Jon’s office, to spare The Daily Show interns the time and trouble.”
—Brian Williams,
managing editor and anchor of NBC Nightly News,
frighteningly, the top-rated U.S. network TV evening news show (ave. 9.6 million viewers last week.
Where DO more Americans get their news than from any other source?

Editor’s Note: NBC: Call Stewart more often. Please.

FYI: Nielsen Ratings, TV News for Week of Nov. 30: “NBC’s ‘Nightly News’ was the top evening news program last week followed by ABC’s ‘World News’ and CBS’ ‘Evening News.’” Click here. And . . . . Stewart Tops Dobbs for Prez: “Twice as many Americans have a favorable opinion of Stewart as have an unfavorable view, 34-17. For Dobbs, the gap is narrow, 27-23.” Click here.

Utah State JCOM News: JCOM alum Reed Cowan’s documentary, “8: The Mormon Proposition,” selected for Sundance 2010. Click here.

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1 comment:

  1. And the Dobbs interview on TDS was truly remarkable. Jon Stewart is an extremely cerebral and well-informed person
