Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The Jesus Tablet

“The tablet represents an opportunity to renew the romance between printed material and consumer. Think of sitting in your living room, in your bed or on a plane with a publication you really adore nestled into your lap. Since print was first conceived, people have had an intimate relationship with the text, touching, flipping and paging back and forth.

“The tablet, properly executed, will be an iPhone on steroids. . . . So, is the Apple tablet a figment of so much Web-borne pixie dust or is it the second coming of the iPhone, a so-called Jesus tablet that can do anything, including saving some embattled print providers from doom?”

—David Carr, media critic, The New York Times, January 2010 URL

Editor’s Note: Who wants steroids and pixie dust on the couch?

Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo



  1. So, I can spend $800 to read a book on a backlit screen? And the NYT is paying this guy? Sheesh!


  2. Just noticed the "Wish I Were Here" Photo. Me, too! Where is it? and when do we go?

  3. On 2/16/10 2:33 PM, Catherine wrote:

    Calling the Bible on a digital reader an iYawn is cute and reminded me that Mark Twain called the Book of Mormon "chloroform in print."

    Maybe the digital world will be good for religion. Jesus could be planning a second coming via Facebook, Youtube and Twitter...instead of "what a friend we have in Jesus," we could "Friend" Jesus.

    Sorry for the sacrilege; I'm an Episcopalian and some of us are a little out there.

    Peez replied:

    Bless the pagans. I’m a Druid.
