Friday, April 2, 2010


Talk Radio

Q: “I’ve been out and about, listening to talk radio. The kindest of terms you’re sometimes referred [as] out in America is a socialist. The worst . . . I’ve heard is . . . Nazi. Are you aware of the level of enmity that crosses the airwaves and that people have made part of their daily conversation about you?”

A: “Well, I think that when you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, it’s pretty apparent, and it’s troublesome. But keep in mind that there have been periods in American history where this kind of vitriol comes out. It happens often when you've got an economy that is making people more anxious, and people are feeling like there is a lot of change that needs to take place. But that's not the vast majority of Americans. I think the vast majority of Americans know that we’re trying hard, that I want what’s best for the country.”

“I didn’t buy all the hype, right after inauguration [either], where everybody was only saying nice things about me. And I don’t get too worried when things aren’t going as well because I know that over time these things turn.”

—President Obama in interview with Harry Smith, CBS News, April 1, 2010 URL

Editor’s Note: Don’t read your reviews.....

NEWS: Rachel Maddow’s Birthday—really? On April Fool’s Day?

Overheard in the Newsroom #3790:
“Where would Superman change nowadays?”
: “Change? Where would he work?”

Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo:
Coastal dusk . . . .



  1. Uncharacteristically, he is being far too kind. These raging fascists* were anti-American long before the current tribulation. Their desire to destroy and manipulate the "Sheeple," (Pravda designator) must be fueled by dollars from anonymous donors (guess who?), not to mention their flaming egoes. If anybody burns barns, theirs goes first.

    --Jim Slade

    * (authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, extreme right-winger, rightist; Nazi, blackshirt; nationalist, xenophobe, racist, anti-Semite, jingoist; neofascist, neo-Nazi. ANTONYMS liberal.)

  2. I take a tablespoon of Vitriol every morning, washed down with grapefruit juice.

  3. On Apr 2, 2010, at 1:47 PM, Dan wrote:


    Thanks for noting a rational President’s response to irrational behavior in the radical right media. Ah, though, would that its denizens were indeed irrational. Looked at strictly through the lens of inhabitants of the Rupert Murdoch media sewer, Roger Ailes, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and that pillar of enlightenment, Rush Limbaugh, harvesting the dollars and attention of roughly the same 25 million angry, confused, addled and often vengeful Americans seeking a daily diet of simple answers to habitually complex questions makes perfect economic sense to the people who are doing it. I look on the world of right-wing media, with its galaxy of very highly paid stars, as nothing more than savvy business people cashing in on a feeder lot of men and women who ought to know better, but for whatever reasons, don’t. One can hope that Mr. Obama is correct and that the “vast majority” of Americans are in fact outside the echo chamber of the Murdoch world. I think they are; history will confirm or deny.


    Ted replies: Good thoughts, Dan. What bothers and saddens me most about the teabaggers and FauxNews is not that they are misinformed or misguided, but the level of blind, unthinking anger and violence embedded in their discourse. And the Faux people are just egging them on, and their sheep may soon turn violent if the rhetoric is anything to go by. So much for the marketplace of ideas....
