Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today's Word—Who Are Journalists?

Giving Voice to the Voiceless

“Because I grew up in a family and a neighborhood that had no voice, I have tried in some small way to be a voice for those whose feelings are too rarely heard, or even expressed. I hope this was not presumptuous, and I hope that I can continue to do that, for in today’s neighborhoods there are also large numbers who do not ‘fit.’

“I am still—foolishly, perhaps—enough of an idealist to believe that the media are too often the only ones in town to help redress the grievances of those who have nobody to lobby for them in the corridors of public and private power.

“I still believe that it is our job to raise hell responsibly and comfort the afflicted, to focus public attention on issues and events that people in power would just as soon see disappear from public discourse.”

—Alan Lupo (1938-2008), journalist, The Boston Globe, died Sept. 29 (See obit.)(Thanks to alert WORDster Andrew Merton at UNH)

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