“It’s a consequence of the way we go to war these days. It doesn’t affect the general community, whether it’s York (Penn.) or Des Moines or anywhere else. It’s a volunteer Army, so there isn’t general sacrifice at a personal or economic level. There’s no rationing. We’re an affluent country. We can go fight two wars at the same time, and most people don’t even feel a pinprick. Frankly, I don’t think the average person thinks about these wars at all. They’re more concerned about what’s going on in ‘Lost’ or who’s winning ‘American Idol’ than what the country is doing overseas.”
—Craig Trebilcock, lawyer and Army reservist who fought two tours in Iraq, March 2010, The Christian Science Monitor URL
Photo: Trebilcock holding flag aboard tank outside Basra, Iraq.
Courtesy of Craig Trebilcock and CSMonitor
Courtesy of Craig Trebilcock and CSMonitor
Factoids: The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have cost U.S. taxpayers about $910 billion and more than 5,400 U.S. dead; U.S. troops have been in iraq for seven years, and in Afghanistan since 2001—8.4 years—longer than any other American war. (Source: CSMonitor and Congressional Research Service,
Editor’s Note: What’s on “Jeopardy,” Alex?
Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo: Moonrise