Monday, March 22, 2010

‘Modern Journalism’

Editor’s Note: The WORD returns to the fray today after a refreshing week of Conan the Grammarian’s sentence-diagramming followed by electroshock treatments at St. Mumbles Home for the Terminally Verbose. Coincidentally, he was able to take in this fascinating discussion among fellow inmates.

The Ladies Speak Up

“‘Modern Journalism’ was the theme discussed yesterday at the Pacific Coast Women’s Press Association. The lady members discussing the subject were Mrs. Florence Richmond and Mrs. H. Heynemann, both of whom prefaced their discourses by the frank admission that they knew nothing about the subject. After saying what the public wants is an honest newspaper, Mrs. Richmond deplored the fact that the truth is frequently sacrificed in favor of dramatic effects and picturesque language.”
—From the San Francisco Chronicle’s “Wayback Machine,” compiled by Johnny Miller, March 15, 1910.

Editor’s Note: Knowledge of one’s subject is no impediment.

Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo: Pacific Beach


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