Monday, March 28, 2011

15 Minutes of Fame


“It’s the birthday of a fiction writer who didn’t want a biography written about her because, she said, ‘Lives spent between the house and the chicken yard do not make exciting copy.’ That’s Flannery O'Connor, born in Savannah, Ga., in 1925. When she was 5, she trained a chicken to walk backward, and a newsreel company came her house to make a film about it, which was shown all over the country. ‘I was just there to assist the chicken but it was the high point in my life,’ she said. ‘Everything since has been anticlimax.’”
—From Writer’s Almanac, 3/25/2011
Flannery O’Connor (1925-1964), novelist, short story writer of the “grotesque South”
(Thanks to alert WORDster Javan Kienzle)

Editorial Comment: So Andy Warhol was right?

The ‘Dying Newspaper’? Salt Lake Tribune editor Nancy Conway comes to Utah State Tuesday to deliver a Morris Media & Society Lecture—“The Myth of the Dying Newspaper.” As Mark Twain might have said, rumors of the death of the newspaper are greatly exaggerated, says Conway, the first woman to lead the 132-year-old Trib. Come hear why. Eccles Science Learning Center 046, 9 a.m., followed by Q&A for journalism students. URL

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