Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Help Me, Heathcliff!


“A book provides what it always has: a haven. I remember the first year after my second child was born, what I can remember of it at all, as a year of disarray, of overturned glasses of milk, of toys on the floor, of hours from sunrise to sunset that were horribly busy but filled with what, at the end of the day, seemed like absolutely nothing at all. What saved my sanity was books. . . . The romantic ramblings of Heathcliff make a piquant counterpoint to dirty diapers, that’s for sure. As it was for me when I was young and surrounded by siblings, as it is for me today when I am surrounded by children, reading continues to provide an escape from a crowded house into an imaginary room of one’s own.”
—Anna Quindlen, columnist and author of How Reading Changed My Life (1998)

Editorial Comment: Beats a Tweet.

2009 Pulitzers Announced: Click here for list of winners.

Of Interest: Aging dinosaurs bloviate on the future of “The American Newspaper” on KUED-TV’s Utah Now.


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