Monday, May 2, 2011



“When I look back through life, I find lots of memories remain.

“Certain days stay in my mind and keep running though my brain….

“But there’s one day that I recall though it was years ago—all my life I will remember it, I know!

“I’ll never forget the day I read a book! It was contagious—seventy pages!

“There were pictures here and there so it wasn’t hard to bear.

“The day I read a book!

“It’s a shame I don’t recall the name of the book.

“It wasn’t a history—I know because it had no plot.

“It wasn’t a mystery, because nobody there got shot!

“The day I read a book—I can’t remember when! But one of these days, I’m gonna do it again!”

—Jimmy Durante (1893-1980),
singer/literary critic, 1947

Editorial Comment:
Read a book, students. It’s not too late. “Contagious...70 pages.” Brilliant.

• A column for the end of the school year: Go, unlearn the lies we taught you

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