“It is crucial to remember that the American founders, the ones who enshrined the ideas of a free press and free speech in the Constitution, had no concept of an unbiased media. They’d never seen, heard or smelled such a beast. The newspapers that John Adams and James Madison read—or, in the case of Alexander Hamilton and The New York Post, founded—existed to further their own political agendas. The idea is that . . . the people are smart enough and dedicated enough to sort through all the flotsam and jetsam presented to them and make, often enough, the right decisions.”
• Editorial Comment: Navigating the biased beast.

PR FACULTY WANTED: The JCOM Department at Utah State University has opened a national search for a tenure-track professor of public relations and corporate communication. Start date: August 2012. See USU HR link here for full posting and details. Email ted.pease@usu.edu for more information.

Old Main at Evening. PeezPix store at Etsy
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