Monday, September 13, 2010

15 Minutes of F(l)ame

Goodbye Rev. Qur’anburn

“Instead of using their talents to make the important seem interesting, news media often are making what’s merely interesting seem important by playing it on page one and at the top of newscast.”
—John McManus, journalist and author, Detecting Bull: How to Identify Bias and Junk in Print, Broadcast and on the Wild Web (2009)
(Thanks to alert WORDster Brenda Cooper)

Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune (9/12/10)

Editor’s Note: What a weinie roast.

Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo: Textures

Of Interest: Lead Pro-Prop 8 Attorney Flops @ BYU Law School

NOTE: Today’s WORD on Journalism is now on Facebook! Join up and rant daily!


  1. I'm so sick of seeing and hearing about this jack***!!! It's time for the media to find a new topic, preferably on issues that are affecting us like the oil spill, the war, etc. He got his 15 minutes thanks to the media and now his time has passed. This cartoon is a good depiction of him. ;)

    Romina Nedakovic

  2. you never know what topic gonna be discussed, as well as you never know is it true what you read or watch on tv. everyday i read different newsblogs and every country present its own, comfortable *truth*

  3. Do "journalists" actually know what journalism is? Seems like "news" these days just instigates mob activity. If no one picked up on the Rev. Jones, he would not exist (revisit bear-sh*t-woods).

  4. Speaking of Lois's bear, er, falling in the woods, and Romina's jackass fatigue, Salt Lake Tribune columnist Paul Rolly made the same point yesterday. See

  5. This guy is, plain and simple, an idiot. He couldn’t string words together coherently. He called the Imam from Orlando “the iman” at least half a dozen times. He really expected that he was being invited into the discussion in New York. And there were more protesters at his alleged “church” on Saturday than he has members.

    I’m going to write something about the media’s irresponsible, but understandable coverage of this clown. I don’t even want to move to France any longer. Now I want to move to Mars.


  6. Everything possible --- news, entertainment, internet --- is being manipulated, developed, encouraged, financed, promoted, and magnified with an eye to mesmerizing as many as possible of our growing population of undereducated, naive, gullible, malleable 'minds' with opinions, dicta, symbolism, whatever designed to set them on the "right course" to serve the purposes of the developers, financiers, and promoters.

    The rising tide of success for said forces demonstrates their shrewdness as well as ruthlessness. It provides another demonstration of the minds and mindsets that got them and/or their ancestors into such positions of power as puppet masters.

