Wednesday, September 22, 2010

‘No Regard for the Truth’

Rediscovering Jimmy

Former President Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga., is on a tour to promote his new memoir. Thirty years after his presidency, Carter says he has been “superior” to other ex-presidents because of his activities through the Carter Center, and has advice for the current occupant of the Oval Office on a number of issues, including dealing with the press.

NBC: “How do you think it came to be that such high numbers of people believe that this American-born Christian president is either foreign-born or a Muslim or both?”

Carter: “I think the number one factor is Fox News. It’s totally distorting everything possible concerning the facts. And I think their constant hammering away at these false premises about our incumbent President has a major impact on the consciousness of America. A lot of well-meaning people, including many of those in the Tea Party movement, believe what is said in this constant hammering away by Glenn Beck and by others who have no regards for the truth.” (Sept. 20, 2010)

URLs: MSNBC and Brent Baker

Editor’s Note: The Fourth Estate wanes.

Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo: Pooltime

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  1. Go Jimmy! Great quote. I see Carter's stance as the voice of reason - and why aren't more people hearing these voices?? I guess "hearing" is a relative term.

  2. I'm with you on that Joy! It makes sense why Fox News keeps talking about "Obama is muslim" since it favors the Republican party. It's courageous of Carter for making such a bold statement and Fox News really needs to start talking about better topics.

    Romina Nedakovic

  3. I thought that he hadn't shown his birth certificate yet.

    If that's correct than I don't think their is any harm in not believing that he was born in the US. You have to have proof one way or the other, don't just follow blindly.

    As far as Obama's religion goes, I think it doesn't matter if he is Muslim. And it really bothers me that some media companies have tried to make the Muslims out to be the bad guys.

    Erica Abbott
