Monday, September 20, 2010

Read On

Guilty Pleasures

“My guilty pleasure has started to be shutting off the Web and reading a book. My other not-so-guilty addiction is books on tape (or on iPod), I listen to a lot of novels I wouldn’t otherwise find time to read.”
—Laura Kipnis, author and communication professor, Northwestern University, 2010 URL

Editor’s Note: That speaks volumes.

Today’s Wish-I-Were-Here Photo: Sagebrush

NOTE: Today’s WORD on Journalism is now on Facebook! Join up and rant daily!


  1. My guilty pleasures in life are becoming the simplest things such as reading a book outside or just drinking some coffee with no I-Pod, TV, etc. Our world is so consumed with media and ad's, that it's nice to escape how ever you can. Personally, I would love to head back home to Croatia and be a beach bum but money is a little tight. ;)

    Romina Nedakovic

  2. Just spent a week on an island with no 'puter or tv. read 3 books there, and I'm experiencing a touch of withdrawal....
